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cara mengait alas meja mudah

cara mengait alas meja mudah

Oleh itu, disini, saya ingin memberikan panduan memulakan seni mengait ini. Diharap pos ini akan membantu anda yang juga ingin belajar mengait 🙂

Manakala untuk bacaan crochet, anda juga perlu memahami setiap istilah singkatan bagi bacaan pattern tersebut. Crochet hadir dalam bentuk arahan dan juga diagram. Bagi memahami istilah berbentuk arahan, anda boleh klik pada link ini:

MengaitMudah />

Setelah anda memahami asas dan juga cara membaca istilah pattern, maka, anda sudah pun boleh memulakan kaitan anda dengan merujuk pattern yang mudah bagi mengait projek yang anda inginkan.

Seni Kait Hiasi Segenap Ruang

Anda boleh pilih pattern yang mudah.. kebiasaannya akan dinyatakan pattern tersebut adalah untuk Beginner. Cuba dan fahami setiap istilah di dalam pattern, dan kemudian kait perlahan-lahan mengikut arahan/simbol yang diberi. InsyaAllah, saya percaya anda boleh lakukannya!

. Di Malaysia, benang-benang yang biasa digunakan adalah terdiri daripada Nona, Minlon, Sakura, Wina, Venus, Orion Top dan pelbagai lagi jenis-jenis benang yang diperbuat daripada acrylic. Kebanyakkan benang-benang tempatan ini sesuai digunakan untuk mengait alas meja, beg, amigurumi namun secara kasarnya, kurang sesuai untuk digunakan mengait pakaian. Secara online pula, anda boleh mendapatkan benang-benang yang lebih baik kualiti dan mutunya untuk mengait baju, shawl, pakaian bayi dan pelbagai projek untuk keselesaan. Benang-benang ini boleh digunakan menggunakan satu jarum (crochet) mahupun dua jarum (knitting). Benang khas crochet yang dipanggil sebagai crochet thread sesuai digunakan untuk membuat lace ataupun doilies. Manakala benang-benang biasa (yang pelbagai saiz) sama ada crochet ataupun knitting, kedua-duanya boleh digunakan untuk mengait benang-benang ini. Pemilihan jarum dan benang adalah berdasarkan

Benang tersebut. Semakin tebal benang, maka semakin besar saiz jarum yang digunakan dan begitu juga sebaliknya. Jikalau anda mengait merujuk pattern, maka adalah lebih elok anda mengait berdasarkan jarum dan benang yang dicadangkan. Jikalau tidak mempunyai benang ataupun jarum seperti di dalam pattern, maka peranan Gauge sangat penting dalam mendapatkan ukuran kaitan yang diinginkan.

Buat Bekas Pensil Dari Benang Bulu Untuk Anak

Diharap guidelines ini akan membantu kawan-kawan yang ingin belajar mengait jarum satu ataupun dua :)Jangan cepat putus asa! Yang penting.. sentiasa praktikkan apa yang telah dipelajari. Practice makes perfect!

Alhamdulillah.. wah it has been a while I’ve been away from writing any new entry…. syukur alhamdulillah I have the chance now. Oh anddd…. FYI, tajuk Staccato ni sebenarnya tidak ada kena mengena dengan penulisan saya hari ini.. but mentioning about staccato.. I miss to spend my time with my piano.. oh well.. still I have my bestfriend – Knitting and Crochet! huhuhu…  jikalau lah kita mempunyai 48 jam sehari kan best! xD

Recently, saya telah bercadang untuk membuat buku belajar mengait jarum dua secara perlahan-lahan. InsyaAllah.. saya akan cuba kongsikan perkembangannya dari semasa ke semasa ( aahhah tapi tidaklah secara besar-besaran.. hanya sekadar untuk hobi dan berkongsi ilmu dengan para peminat mengait jarum dua yang lain, insyaAllah.. 🙂 ) Tujuan buku ini adalah untuk membantu meningkatkan lagi semangat saya untuk terus teruja dengan bidang seni mengait.

Tips Untuk Si Pemula Kait 5

Alhamdulillah.. I am grateful to Allah, that also, my husband has his support for me in this small project…  Oh andd… Jikalau ada teman-teman yang ingin memberikan cadangan, bolehlah terus email kepada kami di k?! Mana tahu.. ada cadangan-cadangan yang menarik yang boleh dimuat sama di dalam buku ini dan boleh dikongsi bersama dengan rakan-rakan yang lain 🙂

Besides, there is a new tutorial+KIT that I am making now and still in progress.. need to do the trial and error since I’ll be using my own design pattern for this tutorial.. InsyaAllah.. Once done, I’ll be uploading it to Da’Knit Online Store. Perhaps and hopefully, it will be very useful for those who wants to start learning on how to knit and crochet.. oh however, just for your information, this tutorial is focusing on the Crochet method. InsyaAllah, will be followed by Knitting in the future.

Uh oh… I really need to balance my work and my hobbies …. may Allah gives me a strength to handle all things wisely! Amin..

Kait Alas Meja Akhirnya

Assalamualaikum to all da’knit’s visitors.. alhamdulillah.. I got a chance to post another entry today. Just now I was trying to experiment this rainbow yarn like the picture above (which is going to be a hat soon…. 🙂 )  and the colour did turns out sweet and pretty, isn’t it?

This yarn is bulky, bulky than the daiso yarn…. using hook .. and also, you can use with 6.5mm or 7mm hook too.. but it is soft and really really nice to feel .. Experimenting different yarns are very enjoyable.. 🙂


This hook is really nice and comfortable to use.. The yarns doesn’t slip of easily from the hook during crocheting.. and the shape of the hook is really i can say, one of a kind xD so unique! This hooks is good for beginner too. Besides that, the handle is larger, and therefore more comfortable, so you can avoid straining your hand and fingers when crocheting.. The best part of this hooks is that, the yarn slides nicely and you won’t have trouble scratching your yarn.  🙂

Ready Stock🌺 Alas Meja Kait Knitwool Bundle

We are planning to bring more stocks in Da’Knit Online Store. InsyaAllah, any new update.. we will inform you via FB page.. thank you for everyone support ya 🙂

InsyaAllah.. esok saya akan cuba replace gambar dengan yang lebih terang lagi.. malam, gambar biasa x terang.. huhuhu.. almaklum guna kamera phone 😛

Saya menggunakan jarum kait satu Clover saiz 4.00mm. Benang pula guna Soft Merino Bright Red… topi ni saya pun boleh pakai 🙂 ianya sesuai untuk umur teenagers hingga dewasa.

Mengait Alas Meja Bintang

Sesiapa yang berminat untuk menempah topi newsboy cap ini, boleh email saya di Tempahan hanya akan dibuka untuk 2 orang yang benar-benar berminat dan serious buyers sahaja.

Alhamdulillah… finally done knitting this ruffle hat for 2-3 years old baby, actually can be worn by 5 years old too 😀


Well.. my raglan sweater project is still on progress.. somehow.. couldn’t finish it by last weekend due to some reasons that could no be avoided 🙁 but alhamdulillah… i am able to continue it now, and not to forget, a thousands thanks to my good friend, Hasna, for the help she made for me, hehe..  she was willing to help me finish the last few rows and the bind off part (because i was too busy in knitting the raglan sweater ) and believe it or not,   really a fast learner she is! xD

By The Yard Floral Quilting Craft Fabric Rolls For Sale

Hey.. why there is no flower here attached? hehe.. because I still not yet sew it on. Will do it now! 🙂

And.. what makes me more happy today is my yarns finally arrived today too (and also alhamdulillah.. customers parcels arrived safely too.. in same day 😀 Thank you so much dear friends.. let’s get crazyknit tonight 😉 )

Aren’t they so yummy? They are Soft Merino, Demet Wool, Pink Bulky and Degas Cotton. Really lovely.. I will share half of them with anyone who interested to purchase these yarns. So please check it outMystery Square! If you know who made this mystery free crochet square pattern, please let me know and I will link! For now, this square pictured below has been floating around without any credit to artist, designer, or pattern, but I just HAD to make it – such a beautiful sight. And I have these yarns that I have been dying to use in a blanket, but never knew what pattern I wanted to use. Well, now it’s staring me in the face!

Diela's Crochet: 2016

The lovely Destany at IG username CayenneJalapeno made the square pictured below, which is based loosely on the Gothic Square (square #94) in the book 200 Crochet Blocks (Ravelry).

Thank you Destany, for this beautiful inspiration!! Go follow Destany on IG and see pics of her lovely work and beautiful family 🙂


Destany’s original pattern is coming soon and we are even planning a CAL together for this wonderful square over at – In the meantime, check out the IG tag #mysterysquare2014 to see all of the awesome squares everyone has made from this pretty design.

Belajar Membaca Diagram/chart/instruction(bentuk Arahan) Pattern Crochet

Destany has now uploaded her original free pattern for her square entitled “Victorian Lattice Square” on Since this is her design, I’ll be removing my instruction, but I’ll leave my pictures up. To make this square, please download the free pattern and contact Destany on IG if you have any questions. 🙂

Here is the way I worked this square, just by looking at it. I know I have different methods, and I can’t speak for the actual construction, but my interpretation did work out. Wanna see more free crochet square patterns?

I used a DK yarn and a size H hook for the body, size G hook for the ninth (final) round of pure SC. My square is 7.5″

Chris Simon's Simple Yoyo Square Pattern

I used a few different methods in my version of this square, but the main difference is that I used a complete SC round for round 9, as follows:

Rnd 9: Switch to a hook 1 size smaller (if you want to!) SC in joining stitch, SC all around, making 3 SC in the 4 corner chain spaces. Join with slip stitch to beginning SC and finish off yarn. BEAUTIFUL!!


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