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cara renew cidb online

cara renew cidb online

Construction Industry Development Board or better known as it’s shorter name which is CIDB is a body that is formed to regulate compliance with standards for the quality of construction and construction materials. It also serves to promote and ensure quality in the construction industry in Malaysia.

Among the main tasks of the CIDB are registering and accrediting contractors, imposing any conditions of registration and accreditation of contractors. It also has the power to revoke and suspend a contractor’s license in the event of failure to comply with CIDB’s standards and conditions as well as to restore registration and accreditation of contractors.

-Online />

To facilitate and improve transaction efficiency, CIDB introduced an online system called Centralized Information Management System (CIMS) on July 4, 2017. CIMS enables various transactions including the process of renewing CIDB licenses through the link

Safety Training For Students Cidb Green Card Training: Cara Isi Borang Kad Hijau Cidb Online

With CIMS, the duration for approval process can be shortened and at the same time cuts costs as customers no longer have to come to the counter to deal with CIDB and transactions can be made at any time.

For your information, to renew a CIDB license requires at least 30 CCD points. CCD points can be earned by attending programs that have CIDB accreditation. Through the official CIDB website (, you can review the list of courses with CCD points offered based on the following criteria: –

Most of CIDB programs are organized by private companies where each company has its own field of expertise. CAD TRAINING CENTER, for example, is recognized as a company offering CCD-enabled programs with courses such as Microsoft Excel, Word, Powerpoint, AutoCAD 2D, AutoCAD 3D, Microsoft Project, Project Management and Supervision Courses, HR and Admin Courses, Accounting Courses, Courses Digital Marketing

Cara Terbaru Mohon Kad Hijau Cidb

For your information, the lowest score of the programs offered at CIDB course schedule is 5 points, while the highest is 40 points. However, it is strongly recommended that you choose courses that are beneficial to your personal development and not just to earn points for the sole purpose of renewing your CIDB license.

3. On the next page, you will get a notice that displays the message “Do you want to Change Applicant Details?”. Click “Yes” if you would like to change application details or “No” if no changes are to be made.

4. For your information, the minimum CCD points to qualify you to renew your PPK license is 30. CCD Points can be obtained by attending programmes such as courses, trainings and technicals organized by CIDB. You can check the list of courses with CCD points here:- https:///schedule/

How To Renew Cidb Green Card

Complete the details of the programme you have joined in the provided space to enable yourself to continue renewing your PPK license.

Fill in the programme details you have joined, along with the proof of verification document in the “Upload Documents” section. When completed, click the “Save” button .

For your information, integrity courses and business courses are required for grades G1 through G3 contractors with no technical personnel. For grades G4 and above, only integrity courses are required.

Printable Green Card Renewal Form Templates

5. You can choose to renew your Contractor Registration Certificate (PPK), Government Employment Certificate (SPKK) and Bumiputera Status Certificate (STB) simultaneously by clicking/marking the small box on the left followed by clicking the “

6. If you are from a ROB or ROS company, your company information is from the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM). Make sure the information provided is correct. If not, please make changes to the information in SSM. Click the “Save & Continue” button at the bottom to continue with your application.


In the next screen, you will receive a notice of “RENEW PPK REGISTRATION – COMPLETE”. Click the “Continue to SPKK Registration Renewal” button

Perkhidmatan Daftar Lesen Cidb Dan Kementerian Kewangan

11. In the “12 – SPKK & STB Renewal” section, select “No” if you do not want to make any changes and press the “Save & Continue” button. Select “Yes” if you want to make any changes to the individuals responsible for SPKK and click the “Save & Continue” button.

If you select “Yes”, on the next screen, click the “Add New Row” button and fill in all the required information. Click the “Save” button when you are done.

12. CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully applied. If you would like to proceed with the STB renewal application, click the “Continue to STB Registration Renewal” button.

Cidb Green Card

13. In the next screen, select “Yes” if you want to change the Bank Account or Cheque Signature information and click the “Continue” button. Select “No” if you do not want to change your Bank Account or Cheque Signature information and click the “Continue” button.

14. In the “13 – Payment Confirmation” section, click the “Print Invoice” button at the top right to activate the payment method button.


16. At the Home page, select the “Registration” menu on the left. Please look to your right, in the “Outbox” box. There is a status information of your application that you can review from time to time.

Daftar Lesen Kontraktor Cidb Mof: Daftar Lesen Kontraktor Cidb Dan Mof Secara Online Yang Mudah & Cepat

If you have any issues regarding the use of the CIDB CIMS system, you can contact the CIDB Customer Service Unit at 1300-88-2432 or via the form online at anda bahawa diwajibkan semua pekerja yang terlibat dalam kerja-kerja binaan berdaftar dengan CIDB sebagai Personel Binaan iaitu dengan memiliki Kad Hijau CIDB berkuatkuasa 1hb Jun 2015. Sekiranya anda telah pun mempunyai kad hijau tetapi ianya telah tamat tempoh, anda perlu renew CIDB kad hijau anda supaya apabila berlaku kemalangan di tapak binaan, anda layak menerima perlindungan di bawah Pelan Takaful Personel Binaan Berkelompok CIDB. Berikut cara renew cidb kad hijau  dengan

Layari laman web kami https:/// dan di laman utama akan memaparkan dua pilihan iaitu Pembaharuan Kad Hijau/Personel Binaan CIDB dan Pendaftaran Lesen Kontraktor CIDB. Klik “Mohon Sekarang” pada pilihan Pembaharuan Kad Hijau/Personel Binaan CIDB. 

Setelah Klik pada butang Pekerja Tempatan, . Anda perlu mengisi maklumat peribadi dan maklumat pewaris pada borang permohonan yang telah disediakan. Perlu diingatkan bahawa permohonan pembaharuan kad hijau cidb hanya boleh diproses sekiranya maklumat yang diterima adalah tepat.

Permohonan Kad Hijau Cidb.

Kemudian anda perlu memilih tempoh pembaharuan dan klik pada butang ‘Saya setuju dengan terma & syarat‘. Seterusnya klik pada butang ‘Buat bayaran’.

7) Anda boleh memilih bayaran secara perbankan atas talian seperti di bawah. Pastikan duit dalam bank anda mencukupi untuk membuat bayaran dan semua maklumat adalah betul dan jelas. Seterusnya klik ‘procced’.


Sekiranya anda ingin membuat bayaran secara ‘Credit/Debit Card‘, boleh klik pada bahagian sebelah ‘Online Banking’. Isi maklumat seperti nama, alamat emel dan nombor telefon. Kemudian klik ‘Pay With Card’

Cara Mohon Kad Hijau Cidb (green Card)

Setelah membuat bayaran, anda akan menerima Resit Pembayaran melalui emel yang menyatakan anda sudah membuat bayaran. Permohonan renew cidb kad hijau anda akan diproses dalam masa 48 jam dan anda akan menerima pas sementara yang sah digunakan selama 6 bulan melalui emel yang telah diisi semasa membuat permohonan. Contoh pas sementara yang anda akan terima: 

Akhir sekali, kad hijau cidb yang telah siap diperbaharui akan di pos pada alamat penghantaran anda. Sekiranya permohonan pembaharuan kad hijau cidb anda tidak berjaya, pihak kami akan menghantar satu email untuk bayaran balik (refund) kepada pihak anda. 

Dengan merujul artikel Cara Renew CIDB Kad Hijau ini, anda dapat perbaharui kad hijau cidb anda dengan mudag dan cepat. Jangan lupa layari laman web dan isi borang permohonan untuk perbaharui kad hijau cidb anda.

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