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cara daftar e filing

cara daftar e filing

The Complete Guide To Personal Income Tax In Malaysia For 2023 All you need to know for filing your personal income tax in Malaysia by April 30 this year.

So,  how to file income tax? Taxpayers can start submitting their income tax return forms through the e-Filing system starting from March 1 of every year, unless otherwise announced by LHDN. This method of e-filing is becoming popular among taxpayers for its simplicity and user-friendliness.

CaraDaftar LHDN Pertama Kali Untuk Declare Income Tax (e Filing) - Cara Daftar E Filing />

Unlike the traditional income tax filing, where you have to print out the income tax form and fill it in manually, the e-Filing income tax form calculates your income tax for you automatically. So, questions like “how to calculate my income tax” will not be stopping you from getting your income tax returns.

Mytax: One Stop Portal To Make Tax Filing More Convenient

Filing your tax through e-Filing also gives you more time to file your taxes, as opposed to the traditional method of filing, where the deadline is usually on April 30.

If this is your first time filing your tax through e-Filing, don’t worry, we’ve got your back with this handy guide on e-Filing.

If you have never filed your taxes before on e-Filing income tax Malaysia 2023, go to and click on the e-Daftar button. You will then be asked to fill in an online form and upload some verification documents. The form will need to be printed out and taken to your nearest LHDN branch – where you will be given a first-time login PIN.

Penyampaian Spt Online

Once you have your new PIN, navigate to the new MyTax website and login using the First Time Login option. You will then be asked to create a new password for your new online account (make sure it’s a secure one).

Click on the menu ezHasil services menu on the top-left-hand side of the screen, then select e-filing. Once the new page has loaded, click on the relevant income tax form for the year. This option may vary depending on what type of income tax you are filing, and you can refer to this table to help you figure out what to look for:


Now you’re ready to start filing your income tax! The first step is to review your personal details. You can change some of them if you need to, especially if you recently updated your passport or got married (or divorced).

Lapor Spt Tahunan, Begini Cara Daftar Djp Online

The second step is to review a few more details about yourself. You will also need to declare whether or not you sold any taxable assets, which would fall under the Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) Act, at this step. You can also declare any tax incentives you have received at this step.

You can then declare any donations or gifts that you have received. Refer to our tax deduction section to understand more about this deduction. Remember, you must ensure the organisation you donate to is approved by LHDN. If unsure, you can check the status of the charitable organisation on LHDN website.


Check if the total monthly tax deductions (MTD/PCB) displayed is correct. You can find this information in the EA Form provided by your company.

Mytax Hasil: Cara Daftar & Login E Filing 2023 Kali Pertama

This is where you declare your purchases from last year that provide tax relief. Unlike previous years, the new e-filing form will actually provide you with additional information on each relief if you hover your cursor over the green ‘Info’ button. The maximum amount of relief you can claim under each category is also listed in an orange box for easy reference.

Once you have filled up all the reliefs and rebates, the system will automatically calculate your taxes and you will know if you have balance or excess in income tax payment.


The final step is to declare that all the information provided is true. This is done by simply clicking on the ‘Sign and submit’ button on the final page. Once you do, you will be asked to sign the submission by providing your identification number and MyTax password.

Cara Daftar Kali Pertama Ezhasil Ehasil 2022 (lhdn Login)

That’s all! It may seem intimidating to use e-Filing form at first, but it really is easy to do. Those who did not own a computer or have Internet access could head to the special computer counters at LHDN branches.

Now that you have filed for your income tax if you need to pay for tax, here’s what you need to know about how to pay income tax in Malaysia?


The second step is to review a few more details about yourself. You will also need to declare whether or not you sold any taxable assets, which would fall under the Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) Act, at this step. You can also declare any tax incentives you have received at this step.

You can then declare any donations or gifts that you have received. Refer to our tax deduction section to understand more about this deduction. Remember, you must ensure the organisation you donate to is approved by LHDN. If unsure, you can check the status of the charitable organisation on LHDN website.


Check if the total monthly tax deductions (MTD/PCB) displayed is correct. You can find this information in the EA Form provided by your company.

Mytax Hasil: Cara Daftar & Login E Filing 2023 Kali Pertama

This is where you declare your purchases from last year that provide tax relief. Unlike previous years, the new e-filing form will actually provide you with additional information on each relief if you hover your cursor over the green ‘Info’ button. The maximum amount of relief you can claim under each category is also listed in an orange box for easy reference.

Once you have filled up all the reliefs and rebates, the system will automatically calculate your taxes and you will know if you have balance or excess in income tax payment.


The final step is to declare that all the information provided is true. This is done by simply clicking on the ‘Sign and submit’ button on the final page. Once you do, you will be asked to sign the submission by providing your identification number and MyTax password.

Cara Daftar Kali Pertama Ezhasil Ehasil 2022 (lhdn Login)

That’s all! It may seem intimidating to use e-Filing form at first, but it really is easy to do. Those who did not own a computer or have Internet access could head to the special computer counters at LHDN branches.

Now that you have filed for your income tax if you need to pay for tax, here’s what you need to know about how to pay income tax in Malaysia?


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