cara kait bunga ros
Recently, I learnt a new technique in creating a neat shell that I found in crochet book. So, I made a small experiment by applying the technique to crochet a flower for my new hat pattern. And guess what?! Alhamdulillah, I love the result a lot! It’s very easy and quick to make compared to my normal usual crochet flower. So, I decided to write down/charted the pattern for future reference. If you would like to have the written pattern, do visit this link:
Salam semua.. semalam saya ada upload pattern terbaru dari Da’Knit. Untuk bunga yang saya jahitkan di atas topi, baru-baru ni saya belajar satu teknik shell yang saya perolehi dari buku crochet. Saya cuba apply teknik shell ni dengan bunga yang saya kait semalam. Alhamdulillah.. hasilnya mmg saya suka sangat. Ianya mudah dan cepat siap 🙂 Bagi sesiapa yang nak cuba.. boleh lah try pattern ni. Saya tulis dalam diagram (jika inginkan dalam bentuk arahan bertulis, sila lihat di link ni:
Alhamdulillah.. sempat juga buat tutorial yang ringakas ini. Di bawah adalah tutorial untuk bunga di atas menggunakan tulisan tangan saya. Di harap mudah difahami 🙂 mana yang tak faham, jangan2 segan untuk tanya saya ya. InsyaAllah saya cuba bantu jelaskan lagi.
Dinah Crochet: Bunga Dan Daun
Guna Soft Spiry Yarn.. ohhh.. memang lembut dan sedaaapp betul bila di-touch! 🙂 Berbeza kalau guna crochet, feel kelembutan benang ni memang jauh beza..
Wahh… Allah Allah.. Memang banyak benda yang perlu diselesaikan sejak kebelakangan ini.. dan mudah-mudahan dipermudahkan segala urusan kita oleh Allah swt yang ESA, amin ya rabb.
At first, I wanted to crochet another Bucket Hat like previous. However, I keep losing the track of the pattern and keep counting the stitches wrong so……….. I gave up and started to crochet just like how I feel is right 😛
Diy Bunga Rose Crochet Yang Cantikkk .....
Ah, actually this is one of another tempahan requested by my colleague. She wanted me to make another sunny hat for her daughter.. so.. this time I decided to crochet and not to knit (cause i was thinking she just wanted it to be in same shape and not exactly follow the pattern as how previous one) So after done, it turns out like this!:
Lesson learnt: Need to ask if they want a Knitting version or Crochet version! And don’t do as how you like hahaha…
Pencil case crocheted by my mom with her own unique design from mind. Not copying from any book because she doesn’t know how to read charts or abbreviations 🙂 Yup, she learnt how to crochet since she was teenagers by just observing my late grandmother did her crochets. During her time, there was no internet to learn from youtube hihi.. and books were also very limited.
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