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cara posing gambar raya

cara posing gambar raya

Hello girls! Today’s topic i nak share Poses Idea during Hari Raya ! I know right perempuan mesti suka ootd banyakk and tak tahu nak posing macam mana so here are some tips macam mana nak dapatkan perfect ootd! 😍

Tips 1 : Pastikan ambil gambar full outfit, posing fake walk sambil pegang candid. Expression muka kena pastikan candid seperti sedang jalan okay!

-Gambar Raya />

Tips 2 : Ambil gambar duduk sambil pandang ke kamera dan senyum! Cara duduk pastikan kelihatan sopan dan juga ayu barulah nampak sopan! Hihi 🙈

Gambar Raya Keluarga #teamrayajohor 2019

Tips 3 : Gambar separuh outfit seperti potrait mode. Pastikan tangan tidak kelihatan kekok ketika duduk seperti cara di dalam gambar tau! Kemudian senyum dan pandang tempat lain untuk nampak candid look.

POSE INSPO FOR PHOTOS :)save for easy pose inspo for photos by yourself 🌸🫶🏻 #poseinspo #poseideas #photographyideas #poses #iphonephotography Cass Spinelli 841 likes

Ethnicwear Style and Photo Poses | Eid pics 📸Hi everyone! One of my fav things about eid is planning my outfit and accessories MONTHS in advance. Choosing a makeup look, planning, and getting ready is 50% of the fun. I love to get at least one statement picture for my instagram feed! Here’s some posing and photography tips for Eid or any other rebs <3 3 likes

Ide Pose Foto Bersama Keluarga Di Momen Hari Raya

5 IG poses for the “Shy Girlies” 💛These are some cute faceless photos!! #springaesthetic #posesideas #facelessposes #posingtips #poseforbeginners #pose #lemon8foryou Coco 🥂 1119 likes

Shy Girl Pose IdeasSometimes I just run out of ideas on how to pose but these are simple, aesthetic, carefree poses I normally do for my photos🤍 #poseideas #fashionstyle #styleinspo #softgirl #aesthetic #outfitideas #springoutfit #hellolemon8 #ootd #whattowear Heres Kim 4 likes

Simple Posing Tips for Shy GirliesI take all my own pictures, and tbh, have a harder time when someone takes them for me 😂 I get really shy, and having a go-to pose helps! my two go-to posing tips: 1. Hold something in one or both hands 2. Look away from the camera 👀 #posingideas #simpleposes #influencertips #posingt Kasey Kretsch 23 likes

Trik #ootd Yang Betul Hasilkan Potret Raya Yang Menarik, Trik No 3 Penting Untuk Instagramable

My fav easy poses for pics!I love in the moment/natural pics but these easy poses help you to have a little something to do <3 I post all of these on my insta! #poseinspo #springaesthetic #picinspo nataliezacek 1177 likes

YOU ARE POSING WRONG & HERE’S WHY❌I know our default pose is the hand on the hip…but PLEASE stop doing it😭 There are so many other simple poses that are more flattering! The hand on the hip makes you look stiff and uncomfortable…and even if that’s true, let me help you find a new “go-to” pose! 🩷 Hands in front pockets! This helps Erica Giles 227 likes

Curvy Gal Guide To PosingA few of my favorite poses for my girlies: 1. Turn and look! This one accentuates your curves and is so flattering! 2. Hold a prop is one of my favorites because I never know what to do with my hands… 3. Hand on an accessory! This is similar to holding a prop but it gives more of a candid look… Maddsmaxjesty 260 likes

Cara Unik Sindir Pihak Tertentu, Wanita Ini 'posing' Di Jalan Rosak Dan Berlumpur • Motoqar

THE ULTIMATE POSING GUIDE✨Taking from some of my posts and breaking them down here💗 #poseideas #posetips #poseinspo #posesideas #poseforbeginners #howtobethatcreator #howtobeaninfluencer #stylecontentcreator #style2023 #springaesthetic Danielle Glanz 560 likes

EASY PHOTO POSE IDEAS 📸some simple and easy pose ideas for taking pictures 🥰 the best cure to nervousness or feeling awkward is to keep yourself moving and have an idea of what you want going into it 🫶 and remember to have FUN, your joy will show through your photos!!! #poseideas #pictureideas #howtobethatgirl #wha autumrainn 70 likes


SOLO POSE IDEAS 📸 some of my go to poses when shooting content! - fix your outfit [ pull on your top, adjust your jeans, reach for your shoe ] - bring a prop [ flowers, coffee, sunnies ] helps your hands have something to do - add lots of motion - try the same pose with different facial expressions - most i alyssasheil 3116 likes

Struggle Is Real', Alif Satar Kongsi Tip Bergambar Dengan Isteri Walaupun Anak Menangis Bagai Nak Rak

Simple pose inspo <3for my girls that want to take pictures but don’t know how to pose, here are a few lil simple ones i always do if i feel awkward or not confident 💗😌 #poseideas #springaesthetic #whattowear #mytransitionalwear paige taylor 300 likes

For my girls who want to spice up their feed🥰📸These are some of my top go-to poses when I’m feeling uninspired!! Let me know if you use the same!! 1. Twirl 2. Grab the camera 3. Flamingo 4. Looking at the ground 5. Hands behind back 6. Admire the view #contentcreatortips #easypose #fashionfinds #poseideas #posesideas #po Claire C 5 likes

HOW TO POSE WHEN YOU’RE FEELING AWKWARD📸Not sure how to pose for pictures when you’re feeling awkward? Or do you sometimes look awkward in pics? well girl….same. Here are some of my repetitive poses I do when I’m not sure what to do! 1. The classic flamingo pose! Lift one leg up and either look away or at the camera🦩 2. Fix your shoe/ Erica Giles 3489 likes

Ini 5 Tips 'posing' Gambar Raya Sesuai Buat Family Yang Ramai

Poses for springtime photos!!! 🎀i’m IN LOVE with this dress!!!! and these shoes so here’s some poses that I think really show off the outfit! Let me know what you guys think :) #springaesthetic #fashionfinds #spring2023fashion #poseideas #pinkdress #posetips #photoideas #poseforbeginners #posesideas #dinnerou Allyanna 9 likes

Curvy Gal Guide To PosingSome of my favorite poses for ALL girls!! 1. Cute props and action shots!! This one is so cute for beaches, lakes, etc. I love a good action shot 2. Smiles all around!! I LOVE this candid look 3. When you don’t know what to do with your hands, props are a lifesaver! They can turn an awkward pho Maddsmaxjesty 477 likes


Easy pose ideasDon’t know how to pose? Try these simple poses to brighten up your feed! #lemon8diary #springaesthetic #fashionfinds #stylesetter #postideasforlemon8 #poseideas #posetips malia 5 likes

Video) Ini 3 Cara 'pose' Kreatif Ootd Dengan Keluarga Bila Tiba Hari Raya

No more awkward photos📸whether you’re taking your own photos or having someone else help. being in front of the lens is usually pretty intimidating. it can make you feel shy, self conscious, awkward, or all of the above. but that doesn’t mean you can’t take amazing photos. these four poses are effortless and flatterin sabrina 866 likes

STAPLE POSES YOU NEED TO TRY!! 💞My go to poses that have never failed & are so easy to do!! ✨🥰🙌🏼 #springaesthetic #hellolemon8 #ootd #posesideas #posetips #poseinspo #poses #howtopose #posingideas #posinginspo Karissa Mercer 13 likes

Picture posing inspo ⭐️i want to have a cute little photo shoot and use all these poses 🤗 all pics are from pinterest :) #poseideas #pictureideas #pinterest #inspo #fyp #photoshootideas inspo 3 likesTo me, few movements will not make you look awkward for camera eventho if you are camera shy. Thus, i added dots arrow to show few movements on how to pose for the camera !

Tak Mahu Nampak Kaku Depan Kamera, Ini 9 Gaya Pose Ootd Sesuai Untuk Hijabi

I share 2 different lighting which are natural lighting and use phone flash at night. As you can see, on day lighting, my picture looks vibrant because of the colour contra but at night, due to flash it expose my make ups. And i really love it 🙊🫶🏼

HOW TO POSE 🌼🧸Hi !! I know posing can be a tricky thing to get down so these are some of my go to’s when I feel awkward in front of the camera!! If you want more let me know 🍸🤍 #hellolemon8 #springaesthetic #ootd #pictureideas #posingideas #photoinspo #summer2023fashion Jasmine Hauser 527 likes


Ethnicwear Style and Photo Poses | Eid pics 📸Hi everyone! One of my fav things about eid is planning my outfit and accessories MONTHS in advance. Choosing a makeup look, planning, and getting ready is 50% of the fun. I love to get at least one statement picture for my instagram feed! Here’s some posing and photography tips for Eid or any other rebs <3 3 likes

Posing Gambar Raya 2019 Di Tepi Sawah Padi Kg. Jalan Kuala Jalan Bharu

PHOTO POSES FOR INDIVIDUAL PHOTOS Here are some of my go-to’s for photos by myself (because it’s easy to feel awkward in selfies lol) #outfitideas #photoideas #photoposes #poseideas #howtopose #ootd #fashionfinds #ootd #whattowear Sydney Adams 2429 likes

Poses To Add MotionIf you want to add dynamic movement to your photos while wearing a skirt or dress, try these ideas! A flowy skirt with lots of fabric works best to capture each pose. For a step by step video follow @withchelle_ on IG or TikTok! 💖 - #whattowear #ootd #photography #posesideas #ho Michelle 68 likes

Shy Girl Pose IdeasSometimes I just run out of ideas on how to pose but these are simple, aesthetic, carefree poses I normally do for my photos🤍 #poseideas #fashionstyle #styleinspo #softgirl #aesthetic #outfitideas #springoutfit #hellolemon8 #ootd #whattowear Heres Kim 4 likes

Gambar Raya Keluarga Paling Rare. Aksi Shaheizy Dan Syatilla Yang Sempoi Buat Peminat Pecah Perut

STAPLE POSES YOU NEED TO TRY!! 💞My go to poses that have never failed & are so easy to do!! ✨🥰🙌🏼 #springaesthetic #hellolemon8 #ootd #posesideas #posetips #poseinspo #poses #howtopose #posingideas #posinginspo Karissa Mercer 13 likes

Pose inspo!Posing for a picture can be intimidating. Especially if your tired of the basic standing in front of the camera pose and trying to try something new. My new favorite pose is sitting down. Helps showcase the outfit in a different perspective. Here are some examples of how you can pose sitting down, b Eunice Arenas 308 likes


POSE IDEAS for my shy

Slay Your Upcoming Raya Photoshoot Effortlessly❤️‍🔥

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